Bravo's Next Great Artist

About a year ago myself and Susan were discussing what was then a rumoured 'America's Next Top Model/ProjectRunway/Pop Idol, type show featuring artists. This has come to be and I have to admit I have watched the entire series. Being an avid ANTM viewer I expected much of the same, fluff tv with the prerequisite bitching and backstabbing, this is exactly what I got, twofold. Sarah Jessica Parker is a producer on the show and makes a couple of appearances, professes to be an avid art lover and squeals quite excessively. Some of the work is ok and a lot of it is awful. It is truly hoffifying and yet compulsive viewing. Be warned!
(I know this is an unusual post for this blog but I had to share this)


Dougal McKenzie said…
Hi Anne- yes, it's very funny- it had also been flagged up on twocoatsofpaint which had taken a similar disparaging view of the whole venture...I think there may be a spoof competition run on the tcop blog. Hope to see some of your work soon, any shows coming up? D
enda o'donoghue said…
This is a great read, Jerry Saltz the critic with the New York Magazine talking about his experience as a judge on the show:
annehendrick said…
Hi Dougal, a few things up in the air at the moment and working toward some studio visits. Showing with two other in Roscommon Arts Centre next year so that should be good. How about you? Are you busy?