The Painters' Maxim

Looking at a lecture by Malcolm Morley today (click on Post Title for link), he quoted something that Jasper Johns had said which struck a chord- it's really the only thing you ever need to know as a painter: "Do something, do something else. Do something else to that." When things are getting a bit tricky with a work, it's all you need to know.

Work in Progress


enda o'donoghue said…
"Do something, do something else. Do something else to that." Love it, says it all really.
Susan Connolly said…
I gave this statement in a powerpoint recently, totally rings true
enda o'donoghue said…
I just watched that full Malcolm Morley lecture, cheers for the link Dougal, it was great apart from the torturous Q&A session at the end. But for me the quote that really struck me was when he said "I ask then not about the meaning of the encoded message but rather about the meaning of the code chosen".