Parallel Universes

Click on Post title for link to recent BBC Horizon programme called 'What is Reality?' The programme's ability to link many of its ideas with pictures, particularly holograms, made it a bit easier for me to get my head around the whole thing. The idea that even maths/ science boffins find inspiration and connections in the world of pictures and diagrams I found exciting. Here, by way of comparison, are two images of 'space'- one 'diagrammatic' and the other 'holographic'. It appears that parallel universes are always present in the art world!

Karen Kilimnik/ at Spruth Magers Berlin

Alistair Wilson/ at the third space Belfast


enda o'donoghue said…
I've been reading Borges recently and a recurring theme in many of his stories is the idea of parallel worlds. There is a website named after one of his famous short stories "The Garden of Forking Paths" (such a great title) which is filled with a lot of info about him and his writing:

also here is another link I found which has a nice intro to his writing: