There is less sarcasm intended in this Post's Title (click on it for link to great interview) than the Post below, in as much as Malcolm Morley really was a 'problem child' who found his way out of it all through painting. That said, for altogether different reasons, there appear to be the same uncomfortable 'this is what I'll paint and I don't give a damn' motivations in his work as with Anton Henning below. It's just downright inelegant and awkward, but compelling nonetheless when you get into it. For me, Morley is one of the great intuative and 'intellectual' painters of our time (e.g. Age of Catastrophe, 1976) and maybe it's that sort of track record which has cemented a position from which he can do no wrong. There is much about his current show at Sperone Westwater (and other recent work) which may undo that reputation. But I do feel the need to talk about it....