From Tomaselli to Keaton...

'Painting Between the Lines' at CCA Wattis Institute for Contemporary Art

Click on Post Title for nice show at Wattis in San Francisco. Also see below for a new entry in BEST LINKS: A Piece of Monologue. To explain: the Wattis show features Fred Tomaselli working in response to Beckett's 'Watt'. Coincidently, I then came across Beckett again in Artforum's November 'Top Ten' feature,  which cites 'Film' (1965) by Schneider and Beckett, and starring Buster Keaton. Intrigued, I went looking for more information and came across A Piece of Monologue which features a Post on the subject of 'Film'. All connected in a very unconnected sort of way, but a good reason to highlight the exhibition, the film and the blog....

Buster Keaton on set of 'Film' (1965)
(see link to A Piece of Monolgue at bottom of page)
