'Painting Between the Lines' at CCA Wattis Institute for Contemporary Art
Click on Post Title for nice show at Wattis in San Francisco. Also see below for a new entry in BEST LINKS: A Piece of Monologue. To explain: the Wattis show features Fred Tomaselli working in response to Beckett's 'Watt'. Coincidently, I then came across Beckett again in Artforum's November 'Top Ten' feature, which cites 'Film' (1965) by Schneider and Beckett, and starring Buster Keaton. Intrigued, I went looking for more information and came across A Piece of Monologue which features a Post on the subject of 'Film'. All connected in a very unconnected sort of way, but a good reason to highlight the exhibition, the film and the blog....
Buster Keaton on set of 'Film' (1965)
(see link to A Piece of Monolgue at bottom of page)