Blue Moves

I have been looking for Patrick Procktor's 'Long Live the Great Leap Forward' (1965-67) online, for insert into TOP 10 PAINTINGS, after chancing upon it in an old edition of Studio International.  Below are two other works, the top one a study for a painting that ended up as the cover for Elton John's 'Blue Moves' album 1976.  Nice, if co-incidental, link between the other example and one of  Peter Doig's '100 Years Ago' paintings. Procktor's work, along with Michael Upton's 'room studies', of the mid 1960s (also hard to find examples of online) still stand up very well today.

Patrick Procktor/ Study for The Guardian Readers/ 1976

Patrick Procktor/ Hangchow/ 1980

Peter Doig/ 100 Years Ago/ 2000
