Further January Notes

 Forthcoming group show at the Naughton Gallery at Queen's in Belfast. A sports-themed exhibition, which is allowing me to revisit an image I have used before, from The Swimmer (dir. Frank Perry, 1968).

It is a very fleeting moment from the movie, in which Rusty Towers (we can deduce this from the novel by John Cheever, in which he is named) floats in a swimming pool at a riotous afternoon party. The movie is fairly faithful to Cheever's novel, and he plays a very small cameo part as a guest at the party (as does Joan Rivers). Burt Lancaster plays the lead as Ned Merrill, 'swimming home' through his neighbours' pools.

Study for Rusty Towers

Burt Lancaster as Ned Merrill

Rusty Towers in 'The Swimmer'

